An assistant is a person (or by extension a device) that helps another person accomplish their goals

Bearspace in association with Peer Sessions, presents an exhibition project entitled The Assistant. From 14th-29th May and 4th-19th June exhibitions will pair up an emerging artist, who will create the artwork, with an established artist who will instruct them. The established artist will send the emerging artist, or assistant, a list of rules one month prior to the exhibition opening, rules which will detail how the established artist wishes the work to be created and/or installed. This blog contains updates on their progress whilst a parallel page collects discussions around the idea of being an assistant and stories shared by other 'assistants' across the arts.

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Kate- work in progress

I’d not heard of Foster Wallace before receiving Maria’s instructions, but really enjoyed reading his short stories.

I have decided to work with Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature, because I liked the interlocking parts of the narrative and the way it is initially confounding and only begins to makes sense and pull together towards the end and on a second reading. It is also blackly funny and a little disturbing. I'm also interested in the way there is a subtle irony in his writing, he reports slightly farcical situations in a matter of fact way which leaves the viewer to decide how to respond to them.

However I was also interested in the Brint Moltke character in the story The Suffering Channel so at the moment I am gathering and writing texts one of which refers to a similar character to Brint Moltke, a naive artist figure. Others reference a quasi- religious experience of an art object that will remain undescribed and unseen, and an artist devoted to some kind of mission. I am hoping to combine them in a way that follows a similar flow to Philosophy and The Mirror of Nature.

How these texts will appear in the show I haven’t yet decided, it may be a video projection combining text and performance, or an installation of text in the space of some description.

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